Revitalization Thursdays Webinar Series
Did you miss the live webinars? No problem!
We’ve gathered all of the notes from each Revitalization Thursday webinar for you to download. Just click on the webinar name to download its notes.
What’s Happening with Community Revitalization in PA? (held May 14, 2020)
Get an update on what is happening in the world of community revitalization at the state and national levels. Learn about approaches and programs to community development, and the funding opportunities that local nonprofits and municipalities can consider as they work towards being historic, vibrant, and inviting Pennsylvania communities.
Creating an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your Town (held May 21, 2020)
Learn how capitalizing on the characteristics that we already have, such as historic business districts, authentic neighborhoods, and walkable communities are vital first steps in developing qualities related to place in an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Developing an entrepreneurial ecosystem needs to be focused on creating places where people want to be. If people want to be there, their business will too, and then more people and more business.
Volunteer Development: Recruit, Train & Celebrate (held May 28, 2020)
An effective revitalization program requires thousands of hours of time from unpaid individuals who are committed to the revitalization mission of the organization. The development of this volunteer base is a critically important component of the overall effort. Learn how to recruit, provide orientation and ongoing education and most importantly recognize and reward volunteers. Particular attention will be paid to what motivates people.
Marketing Strategies for Your Community (held June 4, 2020)
This is an overview of promoting and developing your community through basic marketing techniques. Learn the difference between image and identity, special events and retail events. Also, learn how to analyze market data and how to apply it to your marketing strategy.
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