Walk, Bike, Roll: Active Transportation Workshop

About Walk, Bike, Roll: Active Transportation Workshop

The PA Route 6 Alliance and PA WalkWorks/the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, with key sponsorship from West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund and the North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission, worked together to bring a workshop on active transportation planning for rural municipalities to Kane on Friday, May 19th. The program featured locally tailored presentations from a national expert discussing how to move from the recently adopted regional Active Transportation Plan completed by the North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission to the municipal level and making sure that momentum is continued for expanding not just greenway and trail access but also the use of active modes for everyday transportation within individual municipalities. The workshop continued our work toward ensuring that every community has safe, accessible, and connected opportunities to walk and bike, whether for recreation, sport, transportation, or tourism.

You can read an excellent recap of the day’s events on the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship website.

PA Route 6 Alliance would like to thank all those who helped make this event a success:

• West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund
• The North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission
• The National Center for Rural Road Safety
• The Western Transportation Institute
• McKean County Planning
• The Pennsylvania Downtown Center
• PA WalkWorks
• PennDOT Local Technical Assistance Program