Candace Hillyard Named PA Route 6 Executive Director

Candace Hillyard Named PA Route 6 Executive Director

Galeton, PA – The PA Route 6 Alliance announce today that Acting Executive Director, Candace Hillyard, has been named executive director for the non-profit organization which serves 11 northern Pennsylvania counties. 


“Candace has more than proven herself in the capacity of acting director and has gone above and beyond in her role, said Kevin Abrams, PA Route 6 Alliance board president. “We look forward to continuing our work with her to manage the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor and its many programs.” 


Hillyard, who has been with the organization since 2017, has been serving as acting executive director since October 2019, after founding executive director Terri Dennison accepted a position in North Carolina. 


For the past three years I have enjoyed being a part of the Route 6 team, said HillyardI am excited for this opportunity and look forward to building on current projects and focusing towards the future of PA Route 6 Alliance as the executive director. 


The PA Route 6 Alliance, a 501(c3) corporation, was established in 2003 to manage the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor and to implement branding and marketing plans, community development programs and other planning efforts along the corridor.  The Alliance includes representatives from all 11 counties, 9 convention and visitor bureaus, 4 heritage areas, local development districts, local business owners, Chambers of Commerce, and other interested parties along the corridor.