BicyclePA Route 6 · US Bike Route 36

 About Pennsylvania’s Bike Route Y


In 2008, PA BPA-Bike-Route-Y.svg-(1)ike Route Y was designated following along US Route 6 for the most part as it travels across the northern tier of PA.

At the May 2018 meeting of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), USBR 36 in Pennsylvania was named, connecting cyclists across the state from Ohio to New York, following US Route 6 in Pennsylvania.

GPS mapping for USBR 36 is now available on the Ride with GPS website – a website used by traveling bicyclists to download GPS maps and cue sheets to their portable devices. The map follows PA Route 6 with the exception of detouring off Rt. 6 and using Rt 107 from Factoryville to Mayfield. Check it out here:

PA Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is committed to developing a Master Plan for Bike Route Y/ USBR 36 including suggested improvements and wayfinding. In 2017, a design guide for the first 160 miles was released.


#BikePA6 · Plan Your Ride Across PA Route 6!

Visit our new #BikePA6 Page to find everything you need to plan your ride across (or along) the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor. Find resources on regional bicycle loops, routes, trails, bike rental, shops, service, and bicycle safety, too!

Learn About the PA Route 6 Bike-Friendly Business Program

As more visitors explore PA Route 6 by bicycle, businesses throughout the region stand to benefit from increased customers and spending at shops, restaurants, and overnight accommodations. The FREE PA Route 6 Bike-Friendly Business Program has been developed to help businesses within the 11-county PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor region become more bike-friendly and attract more bicycling visitors. Click here to learn more about the PA Route 6 Bike-Friendly Business Program and apply online today!

Related Links

#BikePA6 Resource Page

Design Guide – First 160 miles

Executive Summary – First 160 miles

Bike-Friendly Business Program