The EADS Group reviews map with a resident from Mansfield.
PA Route 6 Alliance and The EADS Group met on May 8 & 9, 2024 at the Mansfield Hose Company with Mansfield residents, local organizations, and stakeholders to gain insight on the community’s needs. This insight will be used to update Mansfield’s current Community Work Plan. It will build upon the successes of previous initiatives while incorporating new strategies to enhance tourism, economic development, and community vitality along the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor.
Mansfield’s Community Work Plan was initially written back in 2011 in collaboration with PA Route 6 Alliance, DCNR, and the Heritage Community Stakeholders Groups. The plan was developed through a “grass roots” process and not “top down” planning. Public forums and focus groups during the Planning Charrette, and various Community Workshops allowed residents to participate. Local engagement is not only important, but required when creating a Community Work Plan, just as the Community Work Plan is a requirement of the PA Route 6 Heritage Communities Program.
The EADS Group is working with the Mansfield Borough to establish a comprehensive list of accomplishments from the old plan so the Mansfield Steering Committee (made up of local stakeholders) can review public comments and outline what the updated Community Work Plan should look like. Ultimately, the Mansfield Borough is responsible for approving the final Community Work Plan update. PA Route 6 Alliance is excited to see the final product and how it will impact the community.
About PA Route 6 Alliance
The PA Route 6 Alliance, a 501(c3) corporation, was established in 2003 to manage the PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor and to implement the Management Action Plan, branding and marketing plans, community development programs, and other planning efforts along the corridor. The Alliance includes representatives from all 11 counties, 9 convention and visitor bureaus, 4 heritage areas, local development districts, local business owners, Chambers of Commerce, and other interested parties along the corridor.
Through the leadership of the PA Route 6 Alliance, citizens from 11 counties are joining together to preserve, enhance and promote the treasured resources that contribute to their shared sense of place. Using the corridor’s strategic Management Action Plan as their guide, they are initiating heritage tourism development strategies that will build more sustainable local economies and enhance the quality of life in every community along Pennsylvania Route 6.